Why are my tomato plant stems purple?
Tomatoes suffering from phosphorus deficiency exhibit symptoms such leaves showing purple veins or with an overall purple color. Managing this problem requires adding phosphorus to the soil. This is done by adding bone meal to the soil or using Epsom salt (the magnesium helps soak up the phosphorus) as a foliar spray.Click to see full answer. Also asked, what does it mean when plant stems turn purple? A solution for purple stems If your plant is experiencing slowed growth, on the other hand, or if its leaves are fading, your plant might have a magnesium deficiency. This nutrient deficiency is one of the most common non-genetic reasons for purple stems.Secondly, why are my tomato plant stems turning black? There are a number of fungal diseases that result in a stem turning black on tomatoes. Amongst these is Alternaria stem canker, which is caused by the fungus Alternaria alternata. This fungus either already lives in the soil or spores have landed on the tomato plant when infected old tomato debris has been disturbed. Also question is, why are my tomato plants turning purple? Tomato Leaves turning purple is a cause for concern. The most common reason this occurs is a phosphorus deficiency. Tomatoes are heavy phosphorus feeders. The most common and logical reason for a phosphorus deficiency is simply that there is not adequate phosphorus in the soil, but it is not the only reason.What nutrient deficiency causes purple leaves?Nitrogen (N) Plants are short; leaves tend to be pale green-yellow in color, especially on the older foliage. On tomato plants, the undersides of the leaves and stems can develop a purple coloration. Phosphorus (P) Plants are usually stunted and a dark green color.